Monday, 10 January 2011

Perhaps some poetry.

Okay folks, I'm in a significantly better mood today; I finished my last essay so only have one more practical assessment to go and then I'm officially done with my first semester of second year.
So, as promised, I'm gonna try something in the way of poetry today. I've been toying with the idea of limericks. I love limericks, but they always seem to be comedic, so I was going to try and do some more serious ones. Here goes nothing.

The sun, it shone, across the sea,
Its light shone still at the hour of three.
We lay together on this beach of gold,
Not caring who sees, be they young or old.
I wish I knew what you thought of me.

I once was like you,
We'd go not one but two.
Your hand, it rests in mine.
The light makes your eyes shine.
There's that smile that only you do.

A wine, so warm and red.
The taste swims around my head.
The trickle along my throat
Feels better then any poem wrote.
It comforts the tears that are shed.

If only the world could find
A way to only be kind.
The anger we hear of each day,
Shouldn't there be another way?
But time, we cannot rewind.

So there we go, some serious limericks for you. I'm now going to return to my evening and enjoy a day of nothing tomorrow! Huzzah!

Adios for now,

1 comment:

  1. The beauty of your word
    Is such to befit a bird
    Your tongue of gold is spun
    To read is good fun
    It would be better yet heard.
    Hope my limerick convays its meaning, even through its terrible quality, for that I apologise as limericks are not my style of poetry. Great verses MrCraiggy.
    The Lonely Recluse.
