Saturday, 23 October 2010

Take 2 - Let's see how this goes.

Okay guys, it's been a lousy two days so far. Been suffering with a head cold (Not the man flu before anybody says that!) so this ramble comes in the form of some fiction for you that I'm just gonna go with and see what comes out. So here goes nothing I guess:

Jared watched as the heat from his breath created a cloud of mist on the cold night air. It was dark; Jared always felt uneasy in the dark. There were, things, in the dark. It had been ten long years since the death of Jared's parents and he still to this day was tracking down the organisation responsible for their murder, a sacrifice to ancient spirits from what he'd gathered. Ten long years since he'd vowed to train, to improve, to study and learn all he could about the creatures that dwelled within the darkness. Jared knew of the dangers that lurked all around him, within the alleys, the sewers, the very shadows themselves and he clutched the gun braced beneath his long coat for comfort. He knew that whatever would try and get the drop on him, or whatever he would try and confront, it would lead him one step closer to finding the cult that killed his family; whether providing him with information, or just sharpening his skills to an even finer point.

A crash, down the alley! Jared swung and raised his flashlight to try and get a better view. Nothing. Not a creature at least, just a lid from a trash can, still spinning before clattering to the ground. Jared sighed and moved his hand to actually grasp the handle of his gun before turning to continue along the side street.

Perhaps it was his imagination, but Jared could've swore that it had become colder the further down the street he walked. Unholstering his gun, an oversized eight-chambered magnum with the title "Virtus" engraved along the barrel. He closed his eyes briefly and held the gun to his chest, offering a short, silent prayer to guide his bullets; his own special blend of flechette rounds that mixed the regular charge with silver nitrate and halite, rock salt, one of the purest substances known to man. He moved his flashlight and braced his pistol overarm so that he could aim directly into the light's beam and continued walking, noticing his breath misting even more and the ambient light becoming more scarce; something was near.

So yeah, that's what you get today. I might carry this on another day, but for now I'm gonna leave you with that. And yes, I have been watching a lot of Supernatural lately, so this is kind of a little homage, what with the rock salt and the character being named Jared (Padalecki - Sam Winchester from the series) So who knows, maybe I'll continue this, maybe I won't (Sorry Carrie.)

Adios for now!

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