Modern music confuses me,
With its hip-hop, dubstep and R&B.
So many genres, yet most sound the same.
It's almost as if they're playing a game,
Those record companies, wanting our money.
They release something 'different' and think it's funny.
I have a feeling that it's all just one guy
Who puts on a wig or gives his hair a dye,
Just so we'll think that they're someone else.
Whether it's GaGa, or even James Phelps.
Some musicians need to learn new tricks,
Like Little Mix or Rizzlekicks.
Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy the latter.
Well, to the degree where I don't want to batter
Them with their own record label,
Then storming out after flipping a table.
No, it just seems to me that music's become stale,
Like a dry piece of bread, or some gone off ale.
Even the genres that I truly do love
Have took a step back, with a bit of a shove.
Hear me out, I still love music.
I love the thrill, the experience and to lose it
To a new song for the very first time.
I'm not saying that it's all just lyrical slime,
But I don't feel the passion or the effort any more.
In fact, some artists are a bit of a bore.
They just loop some drums and repeat their names.
It's here, I think, that we're back to the games.
Perhaps I'm old fashion, and perhaps it's just me,
But I'd much rather have Stravinsky's 'Symphony in C.'
There we go, rant over.
Disclaimer: I do really enjoy music, just not a lot of the 'popular' stuff. Although gosh darnit some of it I think is scientifically designed to just clamp to the inside of your skull and never leave!!
That's it for now.
God bless,